Will Republican Claims of Voter Fraud Ever End?

They’ve been doing it since 1876

Originally Published December 1st, 2022: Screaming about election fraud isn’t a new Republican tactic. They’ve been doing this (at times more successfully than others) since 1876. But Trump has taken it to new levels which are made even more dangerous with the expansion of instant communication over the internet.

In the 1876 U.S. presidential contest between Republican Rutherford B. Hayes and Democrat Samuel J. Tilden, Tilden had a clear majority of 51% of the vote to Hayes’s 48%. However, Tilden was one vote short in the Electoral College.

Inauguration of Rutherford B. Hayes. Photo in Pubic Domain Library of Congres

Needless to say, the circus began. So bizarre was the political climate that on the night of the election, some crazies actually tried to steal Abraham Lincoln’s body in protest, which ranks right up there with the January 6th insurrection as an example of lunacy.

Republicans screamed voter fraud, and it took four months and a congressional committee stacked with their partisans to decide the election.

Hayes came out the winner and went on to a lackluster, corrupt time in office.

Believe it or not, it was easier to make the accusation of voter fraud stick in the good old days before instant internet communication. Election returns took a long time to count and news traveled slowly. News of political squabbles in the hallowed halls of Washington and state capitols was slow to get to everyday people in the far reaches of the Union.

In this electronic age, the news gets out so quickly that circumstances change even as the media starts reporting. People can know what’s happening instantly, even if they do tire too quickly of truth.

That doesn’t stop local candidates from shouting fraud whenever they lose an election. But here’s an experience that could spell the end of the strategy in the instant information age.

There’s an unintended consequence to screaming that the sky is falling.

In a local election in my town where the Democrat candidate won a town council seat for the first time in 30 years by a tiny margin, the Republican immediately screamed fraud. She even started to gain traction on local town websites and with an aggressive internet blast, until other Republicans who had won with slim margins quietly told her to keep her mouth shut for fear a recount would show they actually lost.

And, voters are paying attention.

This year, Republicans thought they were going sweep the mid-terms with a red wave that would set all things to right, but it ended up as more of a trickle than a tsunami. They grossly overestimated the level of ignorance in the elections by voters, in part because they believed their own polls and press releases.

History shows that underestimating the intelligence of the voters is never a winning strategy. Plainly, voters are beginning to see through all the energy spent on recounting election results that turn out to be correct in the first place. Accusations of voter fraud may well end in all but the most backward of these United States.

Time will tell.

I’m Done Buying Cheap Chinese S*%T!

Except for a new MacBook, iPhone, Apple Watch and Air Pods

Okay, it’s the Thanksgiving holiday, aka Black Friday weekend, and I’ve yet to see any rants about it on Medium, so I guess I’ll be first.

Every year, I make a New Year’s resolution not to buy any more Chinese crap, but I rarely make it through Groundhog Day. This year, however, has been different. I’ve scrupulously avoided all things Chinese with the exception of eating at my favorite restaurant.

And then came the specter of Christmas shopping.

I’m embarrassed to admit that I got online Thanksgiving morning in hopes of being able to grab a few special deals without having to stand in a real line somewhere. I couldn't resist being able to pay less for everything on the planet because of a marketing gimmick that has turned the Thanksgiving Holiday upside down and backward.

Why does everything have to be so commercial? Why can't we just go back to the day when families crowded around the TV and watched Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade together?

Oh wait, that’s a multi-hour, billion-dollar ad machine, with barely a minute of anything that isn’t a commercial.

I happen to be a product of World War II parents. I’m a Japanese-Irish American. It’s a fact that I have been reminded of all my life because when people find out they inevitably say, “I knew there was something strange about you!” But that’s a rant for another day.

I mention my Japanese heritage because I remember when I was a kid that everything cheap in the world had Made In Japan labeled across it somewhere. Every carnival reward, every Cracker-Jack prize, and every two-bit cereal premium toy was manufactured in Japan. I even have a few post-war pieces that say Made in OCCUPIED Japan stuffed away in a box somewhere.

Of course, then the Japanese went on to make cars, changed the business world, and embarrassed the hell out of all of us. But, that’s a different story as well.

I’m here to write about the cheap Chinese crap. The difference is that the Japanese crap didn't break right away. I still have decoder rings, space rayguns, and nine-function whistle-compass-sundials from my childhood you couldn’t break with a hammer!

As an adult, however, I have a workshop filled with everything from broken Chinese curtain rings to malfunctioning Chinese-made outdoor shower rigs that have disintegrated within weeks of buying them.

So I’m done!

I’m sick of buying cheap Chinese crap that breaks within hours after I’ve bought it and in the process makes the Chinese economy the second largest in the world. I just came home from a month in Europe where the only people ordering $400 champagne were Chinese.

Oh, wait. I have another problem.

The grandkids need new computers, phones, watches, and earphones.

I guess I have to forget this year’s resolution and just “Apple-Up”. In this world of mega billionaires who don’t give an American crap about anything, I’ll keep my resolution sometime in 2000-never.

Winter Will Freeze Putin’s War in Ukraine

Here’s what he should’ve learned from Hitler and Napoleon

The night bivouac of Napoleon’s army during the retreat from Russia by Vasily Vereshchagin (Public Dom

The war continues in Ukraine. It even escalated recently when Putin launched over 100 missile strikes on Ukraine’s heating and electrical infrastructure in a direct attack on civilian populations and to get the cold Ukrainian winter on his side.

Winters in Ukraine are cold. It’s mostly 0ºC or below, and can easily fall to -20ºC.

Guns don’t fire. Train tracks freeze and cover in ice. Gasoline coagulates. Engines don’t start. Supply lines fall apart and come to a halt. Troops die from exposure and starvation.

And even when the weather permits a thaw, traffic on roads becomes impossibly mired in mud on impassible roads.

Military excursions in eastern European winters have never been a good idea, and trying to get winter on your side is a strategy that has seldom worked for invading armies. Napoleon found this out on his way to Moscow in 1812. He headed across Europe with 600,000 soldiers and came back with around 100,000.

Hitler had a similar experience when he set out on a winter campaign in 1941. His march into Russia and the subsequent notorious battles on the Eastern Front resulted in military and civilian deaths of over 30 million, including nine million children.

Putin should brush up on the history books.

Troops in Ukraine recently pushed back his army back across a historic demarcation, the Dnieper River (also known as the Dnipro). During WWII, Russians used the eastern shore of the river as a defensive point to beat back advancing Nazi troops in one of the most decisive battles of World War II. Thanks in part to the weather, defending Russians beat the Nazis. And now, the Ukrainians will beat the Russians.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called Putin’s retreat a D-Day-like watershed of the Russia-Ukraine War.

He’s right. And Putin should realize that he can save face by coming to a political solution. Nato nations should facilitate negotiations and use the winter season to their advantage.

Continued attacks on the civilian population’s ability to stay warm this winter will only increase the Ukranians’ resolve to fight it out on the new Dneiper battlefront. And, it will freeze out Russia’s options on the international front as well.

The Second Civil War Will Begin in 2024

Every Republican contender set to replace Biden comes from a state below the Mason-Dixon line except Mike Pence.

The Confederate Stars and Bars is having a resurgence. Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

I hate to recycle this metaphor, but I can’t help myself.

If you look carefully at the remnants of the MAGA Republican ship of state, you’ll notice a swirling swarm of creatures dotting the surrounding waters.

It’s the rats deserting Trump’s sinking ship after the midterm elections. In contest after contest, 2020 election deniers endorsed by The Donald lost despite polls that foretold that the future would be different.

But if you follow any of my writing, you’ll have read my opinion that polls aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. They are a snapshot in time, and their time has passed.

The midterms proved that except for forecasting the weather, we must stop thinking we can predict the future.

As the ripples in the election waters begin to settle, it’s amusing to watch Republican survivors scrambling to put on a Sunday talk show life vest and spouting words that would have been unthought of a few weeks ago.

My favorite is one former staunch Trump supporter who made the casual observation that perhaps extremism is on its way out and Republicans should re-visit their election strategy. And, not a few are withholding their immediate support of Trump as the party’s first choice for 2024.

Really? No S#*@!

With the big red wave turning out to be little more than a trickle, the field of possible Republican contenders for 2024 is expanding.

The top Republican contenders for 2024 still include Trump, of course, but he’s dropped to number 2 behind the other Florida nutcase, Governor Ron DeSantis, whose most recent antic was to kidnap several dozen refugees under false promises and ship them north.

What is truly amazing though, is the list of potential frontrunners set to challenge Trump:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis; Florida Senator Sen. Rick Scott; from South Carolina, the former US Ambassador to the United Nations, Niki Haley; Texas Governor Greg Abbott; Texas Senator Ted Cruz; South Carolina Senator Tim Scott; Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin; and former Vice President, Mike Pence who hails from Indiana.

What should be noted is the intriguing similarity among all the choices. All but one Republican Wannabee is from a state below the Mason-Dixon Line. Except for former Vice President Mike Pence, they all call former Confederate states home.

And, it appears they’re all fighting for the same issues at the center of the Confederacy, including the subjugation of black men and women, state’s rights, the relegation of the status of women to chattels, elimination of voting for all except white men, and survival of a way of life whose train has long left the station.

I know I said we should stop predicting the future, but call me crazy, but I do not believe the future of the United States is wrapped in the Stars and Bars of the Confederacy.

With Putin’s Army Hours Away, Nov. 11th Takes on a Different Meaning

Politics in Poland is laced with a distinct brand of patriotism

The Independence Day parade in Gdańsk, Poland. 11/11/2022. Photo by the author.

In Poland, they take their patriotism seriously. Very seriously.

I had a coffee shop conversation with a stranger in Gdańsk, Poland, on the eve of November 11th, Poland's Independence Day, which served to increase my respect for the people of this country.

He told me not to miss the events of Friday, which doesn’t just honor veterans as we do in America, but the independence of a people who had been suppressed for 130 years.

“If you happen to be looking for someone tomorrow here in Gdańsk, don't go to their house. You won’t find them at home,” he told me. “Everyone is in the parade”.

Real freedom in eastern Europe didn’t begin for most countries until after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. But not for Poland, he told me. “Our Solidarity Movement here in Gdańsk marked the real end of the Iron Curtain. For us, World War II was finally over”. Founded in 1980, Solidarity became a political party and defeated the Communist Party in 1989 in Poland’s first free elections in 70 years.

He went on to point out that for many eastern European countries, the specter of occupation is never far behind.

“The worry never ends. Look at what’s happened to Ukraine”, he told me. “And Putin ran up against more than he expected. The Russians are just hours away from us. But go to the parade tomorrow, and you’ll get an idea of what he can expect from Polish people if he dares cross our border!”

On November 11th, a grand parade of military re-enactors and wave upon wave of young people in World War II uniforms marched together through the historic streets. The closest thing to the massive crowd I’ve ever seen at a parade before are the throngs that line the sidewalks for Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. Only this is better.

Video by the author of Gdańsk, Poland’s celebration for Poland’s Independence Day 11/11/22

The difference here in Poland is that everyone is marching, and the line between the parade and the sidewalk dissolves almost immediately with families, red and white national flags, and ribbons everywhere.

Poles have an intense and distinct brand of patriotism.

In America, Veterans Day is when we remember the service of all our armed forces veterans. It was originally Armistice Day commemorating the end of World War I until President Eisenhour led the movement to honor all veterans on November 11th, starting in 1953.

Hostilities ended in the “War to End All Wars” in 1918 on November 11th at 11:00 a.m. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. King George V of England started the remembrance of Armistice Day in 1919 with two minutes of silence on the anniversary each year.

Things were a little different in Poland, where the conflict brought an end to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, of which it had been a part ever since the early 18th Century. With the end of WWI, the empire disintegrated, and the Republic of Poland was once again free after 130 years. Polish Independence Day flourished until the next invaders, Nazi Germans, brought their particular brand of hatred to Poland.

Poles survived but entered an era of a new kind of hell that would last almost 50 years after the end of WWII. The Russians, who had destroyed Gdańsk’s center city with artillery and bombs, ruled over the country with a new version of brutal occupation.

But the Polish People are used to throwing off the yoke of oppression.

Poland’s Solidarity Movement, which began in the Gdansk Shipyard with Lech Walesa at its head, paved the way for freedom for a whole continent and for independence for many people who hadn’t experienced it in generations. And part of its consequence was the fall of the Berlin Wall.

One thing is certain. If the spirit of independence, patriotism, and defiance demonstrated by the festivities on November 11th is any indication, the next round of Polish oppressors will be getting more than they bargained for.

A Reflection of Trump’s America in Gdańsk, Poland

Everyone should spend time in the city’s

Museum of World War II

Republicans didn’t get the red wave they wanted earlier this week and after Tuesday’s elections, Trump is under fire from many of his staunchest supporters.

It’s amazing what some people think when they see elections in the rearview mirror.

One New York Times story this week reported the startling news that as election returns came in Tuesday night a prominent Republican advisor is quoted as saying, “Republicans have followed Donald Trump off the side of a cliff”. Some allies, including those on Fox News, are even questioning whether his toxic brand of politics is the reason they’re on a losing streak.

Trump has even decided to postpone his announcement that he will be a candidate in 2024 on the advice of some of his minions.

Really? I can’t help but wonder why it took t so long for these brainiacs to come to this realization.

I’m spending a few weeks here in Europe trying to get my head around what I should be doing after I hit my 70th birthday next year. But the aftermath of Tuesday’s election has my head spinning, especially after my visit to Gdańsk, Poland’s Museum of World War II.

The first thing met upon entering the first of 18 exhibits covering world history from the conclusion of World War I through the end of the Cold War that had half of Europe behind the Iron Curtain, is a bust of Adolf Hitler.

The bust of Adolf Hitler greets visitors at the World War II Museum in Gdańsk, Poland. (Photo by the Author)

After that everything goes downhill. The fact is, I was so moved by the emotional drain of the exhibits that I raced through the section on terror and cried as I went through the holocaust section. It was all I could do to finish the tour. Even now the museum’s exhibits haunt me.

These days, everyone seems to toss around descriptions of people being like Hitler and the Nazis as if they were casual adjectives. But you have to see it to believe it and the museum brings home the horror in photographs, interactive screens, videos, and artifacts.

It’s incredibly sad and scary. It’s made worse by the realization that Trump and his cronies are following Hitler’s lessons as blindly as scholarship-winning students in the “I’m-a-Nazi Too” University. The lies, hatred, and propaganda ubiquitous in the 1930s in Germany (and in Italy and Spain) are exactly what is happening here in America today. The difference is simply the medium — movie clips, newspapers, and pamphlets then. Facebook, Twitter, and the dark web today.

There’s a lesson in all of this. If Republicans … and the rest of America … are worried about following Trump, they should be. The cliff we are about to fall off is a chasm of endless depth.

Raising the Minimum Wage is Destroying America!

Just how stupid do they think we are?

In case you hadn’t heard, the incredibly steep rise in the minimum wage in New York State to $15 an hour led by the “Fight for 15” worker’s action that has devastated the economy across much of the country.

In fact, it has destroyed the rental market, led to outrageous price hikes and (horror of horrors!) caused an inflation rate unheard of in the 21st century.

Oh wait. In much of upstate New York minimum wage is not $15 an hour … it’s $12.50 an hour because of forward thinking state legislators who thought a sliding scale for workers here in rural America was much better for everyone. It creeps up to a little over $13.00 in 2022. Imagine the catastrophic consequences of someone earning over $500 a week for let’s say, taking care of your aging, sick Mother?


In fact, though, it’s a little hard to believe that paying a fast-food worker $12 or even $15 bucks an hour could cause such havoc. So, I am postulating that maybe, just maybe, there might be different causes for the inflation rate skyrocketing over 6% in just one month.

Try these on for size:

  • The Fed is printing money like it was confetti and has flooded the country with over $3,000,000,000,000 (that’s 3 TRILLION) much of which went to the country’s “ailing” corporations. Hey, they’re people, too.

  • During the pandemic billionaires are making more money than ever before. Their net worth is up more than 70%.

  • Executive pay for CEO’s is up over 1,300% in the last 40 years. Minimum wage? Not so much.

  • Maybe CEO’s are worth it. Corporate profits are up over $2.8 trillion. And, we all know that corporate profits “trickle down” to us little folks.

In 1959 the average household income was $5,600. 30 years later it was a little over $30,000 a year.

That means that the couple who bought a house in 1959 for $16,500 had a lot more dollars to pay it off than they did 30 years before.

The American dream. Owning a home. Building some equity. Getting ahead.

Near as I can tell, home ownership “inflation” built the middle-class way more than trickle-down economics ever did. But the banks and their shareholders didn’t like it.

Nevertheless, we keep swallowing the line that it is these low wage workers that are ruining the economy for “the rest of us”.

So, I ask again, how stupid do they think we are? Pretty stupid I would say.

Walking the Streets in the Most Dangerous Place on Earth

Here in Gdansk Poland, we’re two hours from Russia

I’m writing this from Gdańsk Poland, one of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever seen. It’s as intriguing as Venice, as vibrant as Brooklyn or Madrid, and as beautiful as Brussels, Buenos Aries, Merida, or Paris. Its nights are amazing with crowds strolling spacious squares, and bars and restaurants filled to capacity with pretty couples by the thousands walking together, holding hands, snuggling on benches, and stealing kisses along the fairytale-like streets. The days are filled with school children in their matching vests walking two abreast down the cobblestones and ordinary people scampering to and fro from cafes to workplaces to home.

But the air hangs heavy with the fact that Gdańsk is two hours away from Russian territory. Right now, an estimated 20 to 30 thousand Ukrainian refugees are in Gdańsk out of the 2,000,000 who have fled their homeland and into Poland. There are signs of their presence everywhere.

Poland shares a 300-mile border with Ukraine. The Russian exclave of Kaliningrad is a scant 2-hour drive away. And, just a little further is Druskininkai and the Suwałki Gap, a place POLITICO has labeled the most dangerous location on earth.

The Russians could be here before dinner if Putin decides to expand his tragic war to the rest of Europe. Worse yet, his missiles could be here in minutes.

A marker at the Suwałki Gap at Druskininkai, the most dangerous place on earth. (Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

The people of Gdańsk are no strangers to invasion. On a small peninsula called Westerplatte, 30 minutes away, courageous and outnumbered Polish defenders fought valiantly against Nazi invaders in 1939 during the first battle of World War II. Their Nazi occupiers ruled the city with an iron fist until Russians “liberated” them in 1945 after their senseless bombing and artillery bombardment that went on for days and destroyed much of the city center. It was followed by a brutal Soviet occupation of endless rape and murder that made the Nazis look like a bunch of boy scouts.

Central Gańsk following the Russian destruction of the city in 1945 (Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

The Russian “liberators” have not been forgotten.

Based on history Gdańsk is the flashpoint of the traditional invasion route into Europe. It’s where wartime experts believe Putin in his madness would send his troops in his imperialistic drive to rebuild the old Soviet Union.

First stop Druskininkai. Next stop, Gdansk.

But Poles are not to be easily trifled with. They’ve been surviving invasions for much of their 1,000-year history. They’re tough and resilient and courageous as well as welcoming, kind, and supportive of their Ukrainian neighbors.

While casually meandering through the sprawling brick Gdańsk Market Hall, the store merchant gave me a colorful, folding tourist map highlighting historical sites and some stand-out restaurants throughout the city. Scanning it for the next day’s itinerary, I noticed a small blue and yellow badge labeled:

“We are with UKRAINE. 100% of the advertising income from this map is intended to help those who today fight in UKRAINE for the FREEDOM of ALL of Europe”.

All through the city, you can hear Ukrainian spoken in the bars and cafes and by the families walking the cobblestoned line streets. On the weekend, the main square is dotted with Ukrainian and Polish flags as people wrapped in their banners circulate through the crowds with plastic buckets to raise money for Ukrainian relief.

Even the famed restaurant Kuchina Rosyjska has changed its name to Kuchina Aleksandry in defiance.

Since our founding, we in America have been spared the destruction of maniacs who start European wars. The people of Gdańsk have not been so lucky. But one thing is sure, Putin should be careful about expanding his imperialistic fantasy. Just as the Ukrainians have battled the Soviet invaders to a standstill, he’ll find he has bitten off more than he can chew if he chooses to take the road from Druskininkai to Dańsk.

Polling Results are as Trustworthy as a Prediction by Zoltar

Three reasons why mainstream media should stop reporting on them

Americans are obsessed with foretelling the future of everything from the weather to horseracing to political campaigns. But the stark reality is that predicting election results has become about as accurate as a visit to a carnival fortune teller.

What makes matters worse is that the mainstream media is obsessed with reporting poll results and bombarding readers and watchers with almost daily gazes into crystal balls predicting how the midterm elections will turn out.

There’s a whole industry of hucksters making a fortune out of prophesying the future of elections. While they no longer rely on tea leaves, ouija boards, or casting sticks to determine the outcome of political contests, they’ve managed to develop a new divination tool called polling.

It’s a dangerous game, especially in the age of social media. Reporting poll results has become increasingly threatening in its insidious influence over how we cast our votes. The unintended consequence is an inordinately negative influence by media outlets conservative and liberal alike. Polling has become the new ruler in the bizarre world of campaign land.

Rather than educating the electorate, polling leaves us blind to the truth and leaves us unable to see that the emperor has no clothes.

An example of the negative influence of polling can be demonstrated by a mayoral contest a few years ago in a rust belt city in upstate New York. A poll run just days before the election showed an incumbent mayoral candidate winning with 70% of the vote which was widely reported throughout the community. The foregone conclusion resulted in such a poor turnout of voters that the incumbent lost. The winner of this fiasco was a disaster for the community causing eight years of corruption and incompetence leading to at least one suicide, multiple elected officials resigning from office including the mayor being forced out of city hall under a cloud of fraud and criminal activity.

Recently two polls about the race for governor in New York from “experts” displayed dramatically different results. One had the current governor trouncing her opponent, the other had her leading by a mere 4 percent. They can’t both be right. Factor in the margin of error, and the election is a toss-up at best

What also makes polling even scarier is the proliferation of polling sources. So many polling peddlers are practicing the trade that no matter what the outcome of the competition, someone will turn out to be right and consequently be crowned as the newest sage to be worshipped until the next round of elections.

All of this means that trusting the latest poll is as sure a way to determine election outcome as consulting a costumed fortune teller at a traveling carnival tent.

Here are just a few reasons why we can’t trust polling results:

Nobody answers their phone anymore. A polling firm’s number one tool for reaching participants is the telephone. The reality is that no one with half a brain answers unknown numbers on their mobile for fear of it being one more pitch to buy a new warranty on their car.

Pollsters rely on the truth being told by respondents as to whether they are likely to vote in the upcoming contest. To determine this, they rely on public historical data from boards of election indicating voter turnout on an individual basis. This process ignores the influence on elections of new voters, and important local issues that are affecting voters’ attitudes. And it’s a proven fact that when a stranger asks, “Are you planning to vote in the coming election”, most people are too embarrassed to answer “no” for fear they will be considered a bad citizen.

The margin of error in polling results has crept up over the years to four or even five percent. That’s a sure sign that the results are probably false. In the campaign business, it used to be that if you got polling results that exceeded a margin of error of plus or minus 2 ½ or even 3 percent you held the results in suspicion. Now with results being accepted at twice those numbers, it means the outcome could be dramatically different than the poll's conclusion.

Recently, the venerated New York Times had no less than three stories on poll results on page one. A basic tenant of a good democracy is an educated citizenry. Consumers of news should understand the unreliability of polling, and the media should stop reporting poll results as front-page facts.

The naked truth is that polling has become a roll of the dice at best. Somebody needs to point out that the emperor has no clothes and that media outlets should focus on using precious news space to compare and contrast the candidates and relevant issues rather than trying to foretell the future.

A Letter From Santiago, Spain: Is Brazil a Beacon for Democracy?

Brazil Beats Back Dystopia

I just finished a 72-mile walk from Sarria, Spain to the Cathedral in Santiago along the Way of St. James aka el Camino de Santiago. It’s a religious pilgrimage with its roots in medieval times presumably taken to wash away our sins in preparation for a shorter time in purgatory.

The idea is to disconnect from the real world and contemplate your reality.

It’s something one begins to think about at my age when the future is shorter than the past as I approach 70 in 2023. I disconnected on the walk but was jolted back to reality on my way out of town.

With the Camino behind me and on my way out of Santiago, I was in a taxi leaving the main square in front of the stairs leading up to the magnificent Cathedral. There, I couldn't help but notice a young man getting his picture taken as he unfurled a giant banner emblazoned with a smiling guy, a Brazilian flag, and “Lula” in large yellow letters across the bottom.

Little notice was being taken of him, and my partner asked if I knew what it was all about.

Here’s the skinny.

In Brazil’s presidential elections, Luiz Inácio Lula de Silva, a former Brazilian president with left-leaning leadership known by the nom de plume as Lula, has beaten incumbent right-wing autocrat, dystopian dictator murderer Jair Bolsonaro in an incredibly close contest.

Photo of “Lula”, Brazil’s newly elected president. By Ricardo Stuckert via Wikipedia

Who knew? Most Americans can’t even find South America on the map let only tell you where Brazil is. However, the outcome is a beacon for democracies throughout the world and should be a lesson to voters here in the U.S. getting ready for midterm elections next week.

In case you were wondering if your vote would count in next week’s midterms here in the United States, you can look no further than in South America. The vote count was 50.9% to 49.1%. Lula won by a margin of just over 2 million votes out of over 118 ½ million cast. That’s less than 2%.

Every vote counted.

Bolsonaro supporters have, of course, claimed election fraud and have taken to the streets to block highways, disrupt the country, and cause mayhem in society.

I’m reminded of neighborhood touch football games when I was 10 years old, when my friend Tommy looked like he was going to lose, he would pick up his football and go home, claiming that someone cheated.

I mistakenly thought we had all grown up.

I‘m also reminded of local elections I’ve been a part of since Trump gained continued notoriety by saying he won, even though he clearly didn’t. Pure chaos. And, some would say he shouldn’t have been president in the first place as his opponent, Hilary Clinton, had way more votes than he did. He won because of an antiquated part of our system called the Electoral College that had him winning. (Note: it’s the same constitution he flaunts regularly as being nothing short of ridiculous. Maybe he’s right.)

We need to take a lesson from all of this so we can make things right when we vote next Tuesday.

Joe Manchin Will Be the Next President of the United States

And, with Donald Trump, Jr. as his vice president, they will destroy the nation

by kenneth lee warner

This could be overstating the obvious, but for 2022 I’m predicting that the nation’s most powerful person will position himself to occupy the Oval Office in 2025.

My money is on Senator Joe Manchin. He has demonstrated his ability by single handedly stopping the entire Biden administration’s agenda (albeit with the help of his 50 or so Republican friends), and fooling the entire leadership of the Democratic Party into actually believing he is a real Democrat.

Despite the fact that people in this country overwhelming want otherwise, he stopped a massive job creating infrastructure improvement, eliminated a chance to rid us of the filibuster, prevented the fixing of the nation’s broken health care system, halted country-wide economic development, brought climate change initiatives to a screeching halt, and staved off all hope of moving energy policy into to 21st century.

Sounds like a Republican to me. Kind of makes you wonder why Democrats believe that the senator from the largest coal producing state would ever vote in favor of any of these things.

Folks, it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee! Manchin makes about $174,000 a year as senator and yet has a net worth of over $8,000,000. And, when he’s not doing things senatorial, he can typically be found aboard his $700,000 yacht.

Seems obvious to me that this “man of the people” is the best politician the coal industry’s money can buy!

All of his ability to stop important legislation aside, one has to ask one’s self, “Why shouldn’t he be president?” After all, West Virginia is among the top five states in the latest rankings from U.S. News and World Report — if you turn the list upside down.

West Virginia’s median income is a whopping $26,364 putting it close to the top of the list of states with the highest poverty level in the U.S.

Its population has the distinction of having the lowest of the 50 states with people with post-secondary degrees which, again, according to U.S. News and World Report gets it a rank of 45th in education. And, it ranks 47th in health care, 48th in economy, and 50th infrastructure.

Talk about making America great again! This guy has the talent!

Couple that with the fact that Donald Trump, Jr. has a reputation for being “Trumpier than Trump” and you’ve got just what the doctor ordered to fix an ailing nation.

Granted, a lot of people think that Trump senior is positioning himself for another run. But even the members of the GOP aren’t that crazy.

They’ve actually got a better idea. There is a growing belief that after the debacle that will be the mid-term elections, the new Republican majority will appoint him Speaker of the House. (Lest we forget, our broken system allows Congress to name a non-member as Speaker.) With Don, Sr. at the helm, a movement will be made to expand the number of members of the Supreme Court to 20 or 30, all of which will be appointed by the next president with the aid of a majority in the U.S. House and Senate. This will guarantee that neither of the Trumps will ever be prosecuted and convicted of insurrection, tax evasion, corruption or perversion.

But in the end, there’s only one small problem President Manchin, Vice President Trump, Jr. and Speaker Trump, Sr. will have to face.

States with a majority population of people with sanity will not stand for it. They will secede from the union leaving this triumvirate of clowns lording over a country enjoying an economy somewhere just above the continent of Antarctica.

And, there won’t be a United States as we know it left to govern.

Anti-Vax Research is Proof that We Don’t Need Vaccinations

And, it will be all over by Christmas!

by kenneth lee warner

While at the ATM in the bank the other day, masked and wary, I overheard a conversation between a couple of tellers.

Teller # 1: “This mask thing is crazy.”

Teller # 2: “Why do we have to be the ones to enforce the rules?”

Teller # 1: “It’s proven they don’t work, anyway. And remember when President Trump said it will be over by Christmas?”

Teller # 2: “Yeah, I read on Facebook that the only reason doctors wear them in surgery is to keep their identity secret.”

Teller # 1: “Did you get your kids vaccinated?”

Teller # 2: “I remember that as new mother I was always easily brought up to vaccinate our kids, but not anymore. I’ve done my research.”

True story.

I slipped quietly, but somewhat hurriedly out of the bank, glad that someone invented ATMs so I wouldn’t have to breathe the same air as those two any longer than necessary.

The episode reminded me that there are a lot of things I don’t like about Donald Trump. And it’s not hard to find reasons why.

Start with the fact that he told thousands of lies in the first 90 days of his term, all documented by the New York Times. So many in fact, that it stopped being news.

As COVID-19 began to spread, he encouraged people by promising that the war on COVID-19 would all be over by Christmas, a lie that has been told about every war from the start of the Civil War to the war to end all wars, WW I to the Korean War, Vietnam and Afghanistan.

Then of course was the fact that he refused to turn over the reins of government peacefully, insisting that the election was fraudulent, for the first time in our country’s history. And, of course it has become increasingly obvious from the congressional investigation that he not only allowed an insurrection to take place, he encouraged it, and will probably go down as the worst traitor to his country since Aaron Burr embarked on a plan to start a nation of his own in the Louisiana Territory.

The United States has a long history of leaders telling us we’ll have the boys home by Christmas.

So the lies don’t really bother me as it seems to me that we reach herd immunity when we all begin to realize that there is little truth in what an individual ever says.

What I find appalling is the fact that Mr. Trump is probably responsible for many of the 800,000 people who have died from COVID-19.

It’s a fact I am particularly sensitive to because I was a victim of COVID-19 and beat the odds. Statistics show that 80% of the deaths have been the elderly and I was 67 when I found myself almost delirious from the virus and fighting not to go to into the hospital.

After all, as far as I could tell, that’s where are the sick people are. And, if you go in … you probably aren’t going to come out. You’ll die alone, with a tube stuck down your throat and without your loved ones.

I survived. And, I didn’t do it by drinking the Kool-Aid.

Instead of telling people to get vaccinated and save us all, Mr. Trump told people to drink bleach, touted the fact that he recovered (best medical care in the world … at our expense) and, it’s turning out … that he was so evil that knowing he had COVID-19, he went on stage with the candidate Joe Biden, probably with the intent of passing on the scourge to him in hopes that he would die and stop being a candidate.

This guy is going to have a lot of explaining to do when he tries to con his way into the pearly gates.

What’s even more tragic are the health care workers in whom he instilled doubt causing them to espouse the belief that, “The government can’t tell me what to do. It’s my freedom to choose”.

What else are they choosing not to do because it’s their “freedom” at stake? Wash their hands after going to the bathroom? Covering their mouth when they cough? Not to wear condoms while having sex with multiple partners?

I have the utmost respect for front line workers, but frankly, I don’t want someone taking care of me who isn’t following basic hygiene.

Then again, I suppose, like the bank teller … and Donald Trump … they probably have done their research.


I’m Tired of Living in a Country Defined by Texas’ Standards of Right and Wrong

It’s time for New York to secede from the United States

by kenneth l. warner

I like living in New York State. Even despite the fact that a Democratic governor, senate and assembly can’t seem to pass universal health care, or child-care or paid family leave, and to expand appropriate worker protections.

Still, I like living in a state that is socially as far away from Texas as it is geographically. And, frankly, I want to keep it that way.

These days, living in America makes Miss Liberty a little green around the gills. Photo by Tania Fernandez on Unsplash

That state, along with several others, dominates the daily news with their latest assault on women, minorities, voting rights and basic freedoms. And along with that, I’m definitely not happy about a lopsided, reactionary United States Supreme Court that is hell-bent on supporting this Texas insanity and is turning back the clock a hundred or so years to a time when woman were chattel and Jim Crow laws ruled the land.

Unfortunately, we have a system of government where New York State has approximately 20 million residents and its two US Senators representing them, while 8 states: Wyoming, Alaska, the Dakotas, Delaware, Rhode Island, Montana and Vermont have half our population and 16 Senators. That means that these places can combine with Texas, West Virginia, and a few other nut-case states to block our opportunity for moving into the 21st century and living in a civilized world.

And, lest I forget this part of reality of living in the United States: there’s Wisconsin. Between a jury of 12 peers who find Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty, and whack jobsrunning down Christmas revelersI frankly don’t want to be in the same club as these people anymore.

Finally, I don’t want to be a part of country that’s supposed to be the shining star of democracy in the world and where the popular vote picks one candidate as president but because of an antiquated system called the “electoral college” anoints another.It’s not Donald Trump who is bad, it’s the system. Even if he doesn’t succeed in an autocratic takeover of the country, he has laid out a roadmap for another would-be dictator to overthrow the government.

Whatever happened to one person one vote?

Time to get outa’ town from a system gone beyond bad into rotten.

So, my thought is that since New York State if compared with nations, is the 10th largest economy in the world, we probably can stand on our own against most everyone else. We can secede peacefully, declare victory and supplement our economy with massive aid from the U.S. who, after all, always gives economic development money to countries we lose to.

Think Peter Sellers in the movie The Mouse That Roared.

I’m not alone, by the way. California, with the 5th largest economy in the world, has a secessionist movement as well. In 2015, some Californians created the California National Party whose goal is the secession of California from the United States by legal and peaceful means.

They too want to get away from the insanity.

From a historical perspective, secession is not a new phenomenon. Vermont actually successfully seceded from New York in 1777. And in the bizarre world of New York State politics, several Upstate and Western New York elected officials (all sworn to uphold the Constitution, by the way) have been proposing various forms of seceding from New York State, cutting it off from New York City. An interesting concept until you realize that economically, we would go from the 10th largest economy to one of the poorest nations in the world.

If you recall, my other suggestion was that we give Texas back to Mexico, only to find that they don’t want it either. But, I still believe we should pursue it. And, while we’re at it, why not give Louisiana back the French, Alaska back to the Russians, and Florida back to the Spanish.

Let them figure out how to deal with these whackos.

Where Did Ashraf Ghani & Hamid Karzai Go and How Much Did They Steal?

Maybe if they gave back some of the money their families and cronies took, Afghanistan could feed its hungry

by kenneth l. warner

There’s a million children in Afghanistan who are in danger of starving to death, and around the world, countries are “pledging” a billion dollars for relief.

Ashraf Ghani & Vladimer Putin discuss the salad someone has placed on the table.

Ashraf Ghani & Vladimer Putin discuss the salad someone has placed on the table.

But at the risk of stating the obvious, why don’t we just find former Presidents Karzai and Ghani, the cowards who fled instead of protecting their country against the Taliban … arrest them and the rest of their criminal family, and take back the millions, probably billions they stole.

The New York Times recently ran a story outlining the criminal enterprise that was the government we supported. And the Wall Street Journal wrote that as much as $3 billion in cold hard cash has been flown out of Afghanistan in the last couple years.

One Karzai brother “moved” $55 million dollars out of the country to “protect” it all by himself. And there are countless other examples of billions gone missing from the aid American taxpayers paid to prop up a bunch of crooks.

Let’s take a breath and look at some realities of where the blame lies.

It’s very popular to direct the responsibility for this fiasco to the guy in the White House. But, what about Donald Trump who made a deal with the Taliban to get out and then released hundreds … maybe thousands of Taliban fighters without a single plan to move out Americans and Afghan supporters?

Or the several presidents who came before Biden and escalated the war and kept it going.

Or maybe the generals who have a history of giving bad advice from Vietnam to the WMD in Iraq and then in Afghanistan and who said, “Just a few more American lives” would win the war.

Or even, like I said, the former presidents of Afghanistan who are now living in luxury on the American taxpayer’s dime.

Insanity is often described as repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. America is currently suffering from an insanity not known in world history.

We shouldn’t be condemning the one guy who showed some sense and got us out of this mess. President Biden seems to be the only sane person in the room and the only one with courage to do what was right.

And, let’s quit letting the world’s bad guys laugh all the way to the bank.

Mexico is on the Telephone and They Don't Want Texas Either

Once bright, the Lone Star State’s prospects dim

by kenneth l. warner

As the reality of what Texas is really like becomes clearer, the shine on the Lone Star state is beginning to wear off. Once upon a time, places like Austin drew fans like moths to a candle, but now more and more people are beginning to understand the real danger to democracy and human rights Texas’ example is.

When I published my piece on returning Texas to Mexico, little did I realize the incredible international reach of Politically Speaking. A few days ago, I received the following note which I thought I would pass on to everyone.

From the Desk of

Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Presidente de México

National Palace

Mexico City, Zócolo

Dear Mr. Warner:

Thank you so very much for your kind and most generous offer to return Coahuila y Tejas to us here in México. It is a considerable and gracious gift.

South of the U.S. border we have watched with interest as our neighbors to the north wrestle over the issues of abortion and the importance of this right to the female population.

However just this week, Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled that it is unconstitutional to punish abortion as a crime. And, we feel it is a sensible, rational and just decision that paves the way for legal abortions throughout our country.

I echo the words of our Supreme Court Chief Justice Arturo Zaldivar when he said, “Today is a historic day for the rights of all Mexican Women”.

Consequently, after careful consideration of your incredibly lavish and princely offer, we must refuse.

Frankly, we don’t want Texas either.

Sincere and humble Regards,

Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Presidente de México

Let’s Give Texas Back to Mexico

Please note, this post contains material that is politically incorrect

by Kenneth L. Warner

Texas became independent from Mexico in 1836. It was annexed by the United States and became a state in 1845. It seceded from the U.S. in 1861, returned to the fold in 1865 and has been nothing but trouble ever since.

Frankly, I’m sick and tired of waking up every morning to hear NPR talk about yet another maniacal abomination against humanity by white men in Texas.

I’m sick of their antiquated stance on gun control while our children continue to be assassinated.

I’m sick of their assault on basic voting rights and their consequent destruction of democracy.

I’m sick of their inhuman border wall and the cost of patrolling it with guns, planes and weaponry all to keep out people escaping from the most horrible conditions imaginable.

But mostly, I’m sick of their latest assault on women and the annihilation of abortion rights. The very thought that this bunch of cold-hearted rednecks can pass a law that essentially overturns Roe v. Wade and sets this nation’s standard of treatment of women back to the stone age, turns my stomach.

In their rush to re-gain power over their women, these guys apparently forgot that the other half of pregnancy is a male who is equally responsible for the outcome. Just imagine how much chance the new law would have had if they added a clause that any guy guilty of impregnating a woman who chooses an abortion should immediately go to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Just rot in jail.

The reality is that a female Texan has about as many rights as an Afghan girl in Kabul.

These Texas white guys make the Taliban’s policy toward woman seem like they’re grasping them with the open arms of an angel.

With the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, we got a lot of Afghan women out of harm’s way, maybe now we should think about saving the women of Texas.

Our heroic military just evacuated 150,000 people from Afghanistan in just 4 weeks under incredibly difficult circumstances. How about we just set up an airlift out of Dallas-Fort Worth Airport and get the women out of there before it’s too late.

There are approximately 13.5 million females in Texas. With enough C70 Aircraft to fly round the clock for the next 120 days, we could get them all to safety by the end of December.

With that hurdle overcome, we could then just de-annex the state and return it to Mexico where we took if from in the first place, admit our imperialistic mistake, apologize for 150 years of ruling their country, and be done with it.

Problem solved. With the women all safely evacuated, the men there can just go F_ _ _ themselves, which is exactly what they deserve.

4 Reasons Why Elise Stefanik Can Eat Kathy Hochul for Lunch in ‘22’

New York Democrats could get massacred in next year’s midterms

by Kenneth L. Warner

I like Governor Kathy Hochul as much as the next person, but after a couple of weeks in office, some people are beginning to believe that her past … and now her present could have a serious effect on next year’s election.

First and foremost, every news outlet from the Politico to the Times Union noted that Governor Hochul’s first call to action in Albany contained a time bomb that could come back to haunt her.

Stuck down deep in the bowels of legislation passed in special session to extend the eviction moratorium in New York State is language that takes the “public” out of “public meetings”. Seems that somewhere in the fine print is a clause that suspends New York’s Open Meetings Law. That means that any government entity that broadcasts their meetings online can also ban the public — including protesters, lobbyists and the press — from physically attending the meetings. And, it applies to all levels of Government in New York State.

Secondly, her hometown paper, The Buffalo Evening News came out with a shocker on the evening of her swearing in when they reminded everyone about her husband’s day job.

He’s a top executive with a Buffalo-based concessions and gambling giant with countless dealings before various state commissions and government committees. Can you spell C-O-N-F-L-I-C-T of I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T? Frankly, she isn’t the first woman in politics to have a spouse with dubious connections, but this could spell trouble when she has to go before the voters.

Her third problem — and this is a big one — is that Gov. Hochul has a long history of being elected as a Democrat … but with the support of the notorious New York State Conservative Party. Consequently, when Ms. Hochul was appointed Erie County Clerk by then Governor Elliot Spitzer, it didn’t take her long for her to be forced to bite that hand that feeds her. Under pressure from Conservatives, she led a movement across the state targeting immigrants for arrest if they got a drivers license — an issue championed by Governor Spitzer, the guy who brought her to the dance. She not only fought him on it, but said she would have any applicant who turned up at her office arrested. She later reconsidered … but it left a sour taste in a lot of people’s mouths … particularly Progressives and Latinos.

And last but not least was her short single term in Congress in which she barely had time to find the key to the Congressional washroom. But, during her 2 year stint she did manage to cozy up with a lot of the wrong playmates. For one thing, she had always enjoyed a major love-affair with the National Rifle Association. In order to repay their support in winning her seat in Congress she embraced a whole list of NRA supported issues and got in bed with Republicans who wanted to cut Medicaid and strip out portions of the Affordable Care Act. She then joined with 17 other House Democrats to vote with Republicans to declare President Obama’s Attorney General in contempt of Congress for a trumped up charge — a move rewarded generously approved by her old pals at the NRA.

North Country Congressional Representative Elise Stefanik hasn’t said much about Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul’s ascension to the Governor’s Mansion.

Seems Ms. Stefanik has been busy lately working on children’s issues.

She celebrated the birth to her first child a a few weeks ago and is one of only 11 women to give birth while in office including two New Yorkers, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and U.S. Representative Susan Molinari. I have to admit that it is pretty cool that finally women, babies and public service are beginning to be a “norm” of sorts.

But there’s something else for Elise Stefanik to celebrate. Hochul’s move up the ladder is exactly what Ms. Stefanik needs to advance her own chances of moving into the Governor’s Mansion.

Don’t think for one minute that her campaign staff isn’t digging up every bit of dirt on the new Governor that they can find, starting with these four issues. Governor Hochul’s past may turn to bad baggage that can affect elections up and down the ballot and lead to a massacre of Democrats across the state.

Hochul’s going to need support of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party in New York if she plans on winning next year. Unless there are some serious changes in her drive to become the first woman actually elected as New York’s Governor, she’s is in danger of having progressive voter’s see that her political past pulls so far to the right that her car doesn’t even turn left.

And, it’s going to take more than kissing babies at the New York State Fair and attending pancake breakfasts in suburban Buffalo.

Even in solidly Blue New York there’s a lot of districts gerrymandered beyond redemption. She needs to fix her strategy before the honeymoon is over.

3 Ways Good People Do Bad Things in Elections

by Kenneth L. Warner

In the weeks leading up to the 2020 election, Election Commissioners in an Upstate County set aside hundreds of voter registrations on the grounds that they were “too busy” to process them, thereby violating the civil rights of every one of those potential voters.

What’s worse is, they single handedly gave a Congressional Election to election to an unscrupulous candidate, Claudia Tenney, who shouted from the rooftops “STOP THE COUNTING” the instant she pulled ahead in the re-count. Perhaps she forgot that in a Democracy, every vote counts. Her action rivals the abomination happening in Arizona where Republican State Legislators have hired a band of lunatics called “Campaign Ninjas” to subvert the political process and violate the election results in such a way as to destroy anyone’s faith in the concept of “Fair Elections”. Thank you, Ms. Tenney.


What it all proves is that one of the most important jobs in our Democracy is that of County Elections Commissioner, a task half the voting universe doesn’t even know exists.

They’re the people responsible for running those fair and safe elections.

I’ve worked with Elections Commissioners throughout much of New York State, from the Hudson Valley to the North Country, Central New York to Western Counties and I have to say that the majority of them are dedicated, trustworthy and hard working.

But as Sonia Sotomayor, the first Puerto Rican and 3rd woman appointed to the United States Supreme Court once said, “Good people can do bad things, make bad decisions. It doesn’t make them bad people”.

And that’s the case with many Elections Commissioners. These otherwise good people do bad things when it comes to voter suppression. And, it’s my experience that in most cases, they don’t even know that the unintended consequences of their actions serve to suppress voting, particularly among minorities and the disabled.

Here’s three ways it happens:

1.) Changing the Date of Elections. All too often, for seemingly good reasons, New York State changes the date of the Primary Election which results in confusing voters and holding down voter turnout. For example, some years ago then Speaker of the Assembly Sheldon Silver changed the date of the election from Tuesday to Thursday for reasons unknown to many. The unintended consequences of his action were particularly consequential in the Mayoral Election in Rochester where literally thousands of people who would have voted … didn’t. A poll showed that the incumbent Mayor was ahead with 70% of the vote just prior to Tuesday. He lost on Thursday because people didn’t vote.

The result was the election of a Mayor completely unprepared for the job who has put Rochester on the map for police shootings, criminal activity and incompetence of government. All of this is thanks to Mr. Silver who is now serving his days out as a guest of New York State in the pokey for stealing millions.

2.) Designating polling places as Handicap Accessible, that aren’t. Perhaps one of the most insidious, is the use of inappropriate voting locations staffed with untrained election workers. I once voted in a place where the handicap ramp was about as easy to negotiate as a winter jaunt up Mount Everest. A paraplegic in a wheelchair was trying to make his way up the ramp, but kept rolling backwards at the turn. He asked if I would give him a hand, which I did, only to find that when he made his “X” as his signature, the polling inspector refused it as a valid signature and would not let him vote. As it happens, I was standing behind him with my hands clenched on the handles of his wheelchair and I spoke up with a complete and total bluff. I flashed my useless voter registration card (in those days the BOE offered blue registration cards as proof of citizenship for travel to Canada) and said, “Do you have any idea who I AM?” The bluff worked and he voted.

Having poorly trained election workers, and inaccessible polling locations suppresses voting for an entire population that needs the vote equally if not more than the rest of us.

3.) Changing Voting Locations. Perhaps the most egregious actions with log term implications is changing where people vote. Ironically, they are often changed because of low voter turnout and an apparent need to “Save Money”.

I’ve run campaigns in what some people call “Bad” neighborhoods where average folks are scared to walk down the street in mid-day let alone anyone in the dark of a November Night the second Tuesday of November. In fact, in most of those neighborhoods, turnout stops dead at 7:00 p.m. leaving poll workers as lonely as the Maytag repairman.

When a change is made in a voter location, many voters who do manage to make it to their traditional polling location are surprised to find it has moved. The result is, they don’t vote that night. And, they won’t vote again. Worse, they tell other people, “Don’t vote, there isn’t a place any more” compounding the problem and leaving voters frustrated, upset and disenfranchised.

All of these actions are intended to make elections affordable, fair and run smoothly for everyone. But the unintended consequence is voter suppression, plain and simple.

Normally good people doing bad things.

It’s time to fully fund elections and make clean democracy a priority.

The Girl in the Grass Skirt Believed in “Sticken’ With the Union”

by Kenneth L. Warner, New York On The Line

Not everyone has a picture of their Mother in a grass skirt. I think she’s 12 in this photo.

My Mother lost a 7-year battle with breast cancer when she was just 62 years old. Too damn young to go in my opinion.

I found this picture well before that while rummaging through old boxes in the attic of our tiny Sears and Roebuck House when I was a pre-teen and curious about things other than the girls I become obsessed with just a few years later. I’ve treasured it ever since.

My Mother, Margaret Mildred Berge, was born in 1928, a half-breed Japanese-American from Honolulu, Hawaii. She had an eighth-grade education. Yet she could zip through the daily crossword like a Wellesley graduate, having expanded her vocabulary by looking up the words in an old black Funk and Wagnall’s dictionary that was never far from the kitchen table where she sat in the mornings, dressed in a well-worn, blue and white cotton kimono. She would have loved having a smart phone, that’s certain.

For most of my life she was the only woman I knew who survived a bombing. She was 13 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 and she and her family lived in the Heights near the United States Army Air Corp Base at Hickam Field.

She was quite beautiful, dark eyed, raven-black hair, high cheek-bones and breasts coveted by every man who knew her. She was a great dancer, a voracious reader and a quick study with intelligence far beyond her 8 years of school.

She was a factory worker for most of her life. And, believed in “Sticken’ With the Union”. Starting at a Dynacolor plant in Brockport, NY where she spent 8-hour days mostly in the dark packing film canisters, I think. Then to the Owens-Illinois glass plant where she and dozens of other local women got jobs and worked on the line. When they figured out they were being paid for less than the men doing the same job, they took their grievances to management.

This was brave stuff for the 1960’s. And, as you might guess, not really met with enthusiasm by their manager.

He sat quietly across the table from them, arms folded, staring intently at the strange oriental looking woman who was the spokesperson. And, when she finished, he politely thanked them for their input and sent them on their way.

My Mother was a hero that day. But the awe and adulation was short-lived. Within a week he summoned her and the rest of “the committee” to tell them that he was grateful for bringing this matter to his attention. Their grievance had been reviewed and it was discovered that none of the women had graduated from high-school and therefor, not only could they not earn what the men were earning … they shouldn’t be working on the line at all. Consequently, they would all be “demoted” to inspection, where they earned less than what they were even taking home prior to the grievance.

Needless to say, my Mother went from being a hero, to pariah. Their job action had been a disaster. Management’s argument left them with no recourse but to take their lumps, be happy they were working at all, and stop all this equal pay nonsense.

This was in 1966 and my brother was a senior at Brockport High School, on his way to graduation.

My Mother — much to the displeasure of my father who agreed with management and told her that she should just keep her issues to herself — decided that she, too would get her high school diploma. And so, in an age where no-one did it, she started studying for her GED, which she earned at the same time my brother graduated.

She took her diploma to the glass plant, marched past her astonished co-workers who had been fore-warned of her conspiracy into the manager’s office, slammed her diploma on his desk and demanded she put back on the line at the same rate the men were earning.

He escorted her past her astonished co-workers, where they walked up to the line and he put her back on her old station, saying something to the effect of, “Margaret, I don’t like it — but you’ve earned it.”

She got applause from the factory floor, just like Norma Rae.

She went on to work at both Delco and finally Rochester Products where she was an active and proud member of the United Auto Workers Union — and where she spent the rest of working life except for a year-long stint at Kodak where, she told me, “You can’t even pee without getting an ok from the President of the company. Don’t ever work where there isn’t a Union.”

It was an early and important lesson.

Much of what I learned growing up I absorbed either by watching my mother iron my father’s National Guard Uniforms in the middle laundry room of our house or sitting on the red, vinyl covered step stool we had next to the stove while she cooked.

“It’s a man’s world,” she often told me. “They treat women like dirt. But you aren’t going to be like other men. You’re going to be different.” And she set out to make it so.

She taught me how to iron. She taught me to do my own laundry. She taught me how to dance. She taught me how to shop for food, share the household chores, and how to dust, vacuum, and wash my own dishes. And, she taught me manners, and respect. To open doors for old people and women, pull out their chairs, walk on the side of traffic when walking on a sidewalk with a girl, and to never, never, never, never hit a woman. “Only cowards do that,” she said.

There are a lot of times when I think that anything I learned after that, was pretty much bullshit.

But of all these lessons, perhaps the two most important was that she taught me to cook and she taught me to read.

Around our house, my bedtime was 8:30, my brother’s at 9:00. But, you could stay up an extra hour if you read which I did voraciously. My first “real” book was the House on Pooh Corner which I absorbed like a sponge — and I went on to read from the extensive library we had. We had so many books that our big purchases from the S&H green stamp store were most often metal black bookshelves with brass-colored frames to hold the hundreds of books that came from my grandmother. Mysteries, mostly — but classics as well. And over the years, our library grew from Book-of-the-Month Club selections, and rummage sale finds at the Methodist Church around the corner.

She bought encyclopedias from the supermarket — one volume a week — through the alphabet. Some families got dishes or sets of tableware this way. We got a giant dictionary — purchased single letters of the alphabet at a time over 26 weeks and bound with a screwed together binder. We had newspapers, which she and I read together — both the morning Democrat & Chronicle and the afternoon Times Union.

While she may not have known a lot — she knew that what you didn’t know, you could learn from reading a book. And, I’ve been learning this way all of my life.

“This is not a dress rehearsal,” she often told me. “You only live once, so make the most of it”.

5 Reasons Elise Stefanik is Wrong About Upstate New York

by kenneth l. warner

Let’s get one thing straight. New York North Country Congresswoman Elise Stefanik’s move to kick out Republican House Leader Liz Cheney has less to do with her desire to save the country, and everything to do with her ambition to become Governor of New York State.

Elis Stefanik has booked a flight on Omumuamua as her quickest way to New York’s Governor’s Mansion.

Elis Stefanik has booked a flight on Omumuamua as her quickest way to New York’s Governor’s Mansion.

But for Republicans and Ms. Stefanik, it’s jumping out of the frying Pan and into the fire.

News grew long and large this week that Republicans in the US House of Representatives are gaining support in their coup attempt to replace Liz Cheney of Wyoming with Elise Stefanik of Northern New York.

Ms. Stefanik, who once seemed to abhor President Trump’s shenanigans with women and erratic behavior on twitter, has now succumbed to his magic spell and is all over the twice impeached reality star like white on rice. And, her own rise to “stardom” is laced with the same lies, half-truths, and impressions of the alternate universe much like Trump’s Presidency.

Even more bizarre is that I even heard one pundit describe her as “The best political campaigner and strategist” he’s ever seen.

Apparently, he’s blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other. I hardly think that beating underfunded, weakly supported Democrats who portray themselves as “Republican Lite” makes anyone a political genius. But, such are the conclusions in the Republican World of Bizarro.

It is startling clear that anyone who thinks “Conservative Upstate New York” is the way to greatness (or at least the Governor’s Mansion) has been sipping the kool-aid for too long.

They’ve got it wrong about Upstate New York and need to check the Windex to understand which way the wind is blowing.

Here’s some examples why.

1.) Long-time Monroe County political powerhouse Congressman Joe Morelle has made it to the Republican ‘Hit List” as vulnerable in 2022. It must be a Fundraising Ploy, because Republicans have about as much chance of beating Joe Morelle as I have of becoming Pope. Fact is, Democrats under Mr. Morelle’s able strategy have been hacking away at the Republican Machine in Monroe County ever since the legendary Republican mastermind, Steve Minarik died and left them leaderless. Under Morelle’s leadership, the County Clerk and County Exec are now Democrats after Republicans held a stranglehold on the offices for years. And, more evidence of a shift to more mainstream political thinking is the retirement of long-time Republican State Senator Joe Robach. He represented much of the county for over a decade and vacated his seat last year after seeing the handwriting on the wall that said the Dems were going to sweep. Democrat Jeremy Cooney beat out all comers and is firmly “in” as part of the Democratic Majority.

2.) It’s true that the other Upstate Republican Trump lover, Congresswoman Claudia Tenney beat Democrat Anthony Brindisi in NY 22 … but in the end it was by a margin as slim as a razor’s edge. And, so scared of losing was Ms. Tenney that she shouted from the rooftops that Elections Officials should STOP COUNTING VOTES as soon as she was ahead, thereby ignoring and disenfranchising thousands of voters. Whoever heard of such thing?! By the way — the election officials in Oneida County who were key to Tenney’s victory failed to actually register thousands of voters who submitted their registration forms. Not only is Tenney not the real winner of that election, she’s going to lose in 2022 when Anthony goes back to kick her ass down the street. Yet another indication that “Conservative Upstate” is hanging on by a thread.

3.) And, lest we forget, we should all remember the tale of former Senator Democrat David Valesky who represented District 53 in Central New York for almost a decade and a half. He learned the hard way that cozying up to Republicans as Co-Chair of the infamous IDC ended up being the path to obscurity. Political novice Rachel May with a war chest the size of a kid’s penny-piggy bank and a rag-tag battalion of Bernie activists booted him out in 2019. Now she has become a stalwart bulldog of the New York Senate Majority. Her victory, not to mention genius as Chair of the Senate Committee on Aging during a pandemic that was knocking off seniors faster than a little boy’s tongue when his popsicle begins to melt, has changed the reality of political thinking all over CNY.

4.) Next Door to Senator May’s District, Democrat John Mannion upset the Republican hammer-lock on Senate 50 and taught them a handy lesson in political strategy by winning and becoming the first Dem to represent the badly gerrymandered district in anyone’s memory. His boundless energy, political savvy and connection with voters promises to keep the region in Democratic hands for many elections to come. Certainly not the promise of Republican votes for Gov that Ms. Stefanik needs to change her address to Albany.

5.) Finally, speaking of the boy next door, Congressman John Katko the “other” North Country / Central New York member of Congress is distancing himself from the rest of the Republican wolf pack and is turning out to be a breath of fresh air. He used to be so far to the right that his car didn’t turn left. But he voted to impeach. He’s been named as the # 1 Bi-Partisan Congressman in Washington. And, he’s treating Stefanik and her kind like ants at a picnic, moving his blanket more toward the middle, if not even a bit to the left. In part thanks to Democrat Dana Balter who showed him a thing or two about the myth of “Conservative” voters in his district by nearly

Frankly, I love the fact that they they’ve made Elise Stefanik the darling of the Republican Congress. She still believes that the 2020 Elections were illegal (everywhere but in HER district, of course). That if only Donald Trump were in his rightful place in the White House, all those jobs he promised would come flooding into the North Country faster than a Lake Ontario water level rise. And, that the American Health Care system works. Giving him a chance at early retirement.

None of this is going to help Ms. Stefanik in her quest to become Governor of New York State Fact is, Republican House Leadership roles aren’t good for the resume. There has been a half dozen or so people in that position in the last dozen or so years. Most retire into Hotel Obscurity, which is where Ms. Stefanik will soon reside.

Speaking of Congressman Morelle, he taught me one of my first lessons in political strategy …. You have to know how to count. And if Elise is counting on a Republican win in the never-never land of Conservative Upstate, she clearly needs a new abacus.

Apparently, the Congresswoman can’t add.

Like so many other things about Republicans in Congress these days, Ms. Stefanik is way, way, way out of touch with reality. In fact, she’s riding a gravy train headed no-where and has taken up residence living in that alternate universe.