Joe Manchin Will Be the Next President of the United States

And, with Donald Trump, Jr. as his vice president, they will destroy the nation

by kenneth lee warner

This could be overstating the obvious, but for 2022 I’m predicting that the nation’s most powerful person will position himself to occupy the Oval Office in 2025.

My money is on Senator Joe Manchin. He has demonstrated his ability by single handedly stopping the entire Biden administration’s agenda (albeit with the help of his 50 or so Republican friends), and fooling the entire leadership of the Democratic Party into actually believing he is a real Democrat.

Despite the fact that people in this country overwhelming want otherwise, he stopped a massive job creating infrastructure improvement, eliminated a chance to rid us of the filibuster, prevented the fixing of the nation’s broken health care system, halted country-wide economic development, brought climate change initiatives to a screeching halt, and staved off all hope of moving energy policy into to 21st century.

Sounds like a Republican to me. Kind of makes you wonder why Democrats believe that the senator from the largest coal producing state would ever vote in favor of any of these things.

Folks, it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee! Manchin makes about $174,000 a year as senator and yet has a net worth of over $8,000,000. And, when he’s not doing things senatorial, he can typically be found aboard his $700,000 yacht.

Seems obvious to me that this “man of the people” is the best politician the coal industry’s money can buy!

All of his ability to stop important legislation aside, one has to ask one’s self, “Why shouldn’t he be president?” After all, West Virginia is among the top five states in the latest rankings from U.S. News and World Report — if you turn the list upside down.

West Virginia’s median income is a whopping $26,364 putting it close to the top of the list of states with the highest poverty level in the U.S.

Its population has the distinction of having the lowest of the 50 states with people with post-secondary degrees which, again, according to U.S. News and World Report gets it a rank of 45th in education. And, it ranks 47th in health care, 48th in economy, and 50th infrastructure.

Talk about making America great again! This guy has the talent!

Couple that with the fact that Donald Trump, Jr. has a reputation for being “Trumpier than Trump” and you’ve got just what the doctor ordered to fix an ailing nation.

Granted, a lot of people think that Trump senior is positioning himself for another run. But even the members of the GOP aren’t that crazy.

They’ve actually got a better idea. There is a growing belief that after the debacle that will be the mid-term elections, the new Republican majority will appoint him Speaker of the House. (Lest we forget, our broken system allows Congress to name a non-member as Speaker.) With Don, Sr. at the helm, a movement will be made to expand the number of members of the Supreme Court to 20 or 30, all of which will be appointed by the next president with the aid of a majority in the U.S. House and Senate. This will guarantee that neither of the Trumps will ever be prosecuted and convicted of insurrection, tax evasion, corruption or perversion.

But in the end, there’s only one small problem President Manchin, Vice President Trump, Jr. and Speaker Trump, Sr. will have to face.

States with a majority population of people with sanity will not stand for it. They will secede from the union leaving this triumvirate of clowns lording over a country enjoying an economy somewhere just above the continent of Antarctica.

And, there won’t be a United States as we know it left to govern.

Anti-Vax Research is Proof that We Don’t Need Vaccinations

And, it will be all over by Christmas!

by kenneth lee warner

While at the ATM in the bank the other day, masked and wary, I overheard a conversation between a couple of tellers.

Teller # 1: “This mask thing is crazy.”

Teller # 2: “Why do we have to be the ones to enforce the rules?”

Teller # 1: “It’s proven they don’t work, anyway. And remember when President Trump said it will be over by Christmas?”

Teller # 2: “Yeah, I read on Facebook that the only reason doctors wear them in surgery is to keep their identity secret.”

Teller # 1: “Did you get your kids vaccinated?”

Teller # 2: “I remember that as new mother I was always easily brought up to vaccinate our kids, but not anymore. I’ve done my research.”

True story.

I slipped quietly, but somewhat hurriedly out of the bank, glad that someone invented ATMs so I wouldn’t have to breathe the same air as those two any longer than necessary.

The episode reminded me that there are a lot of things I don’t like about Donald Trump. And it’s not hard to find reasons why.

Start with the fact that he told thousands of lies in the first 90 days of his term, all documented by the New York Times. So many in fact, that it stopped being news.

As COVID-19 began to spread, he encouraged people by promising that the war on COVID-19 would all be over by Christmas, a lie that has been told about every war from the start of the Civil War to the war to end all wars, WW I to the Korean War, Vietnam and Afghanistan.

Then of course was the fact that he refused to turn over the reins of government peacefully, insisting that the election was fraudulent, for the first time in our country’s history. And, of course it has become increasingly obvious from the congressional investigation that he not only allowed an insurrection to take place, he encouraged it, and will probably go down as the worst traitor to his country since Aaron Burr embarked on a plan to start a nation of his own in the Louisiana Territory.

The United States has a long history of leaders telling us we’ll have the boys home by Christmas.

So the lies don’t really bother me as it seems to me that we reach herd immunity when we all begin to realize that there is little truth in what an individual ever says.

What I find appalling is the fact that Mr. Trump is probably responsible for many of the 800,000 people who have died from COVID-19.

It’s a fact I am particularly sensitive to because I was a victim of COVID-19 and beat the odds. Statistics show that 80% of the deaths have been the elderly and I was 67 when I found myself almost delirious from the virus and fighting not to go to into the hospital.

After all, as far as I could tell, that’s where are the sick people are. And, if you go in … you probably aren’t going to come out. You’ll die alone, with a tube stuck down your throat and without your loved ones.

I survived. And, I didn’t do it by drinking the Kool-Aid.

Instead of telling people to get vaccinated and save us all, Mr. Trump told people to drink bleach, touted the fact that he recovered (best medical care in the world … at our expense) and, it’s turning out … that he was so evil that knowing he had COVID-19, he went on stage with the candidate Joe Biden, probably with the intent of passing on the scourge to him in hopes that he would die and stop being a candidate.

This guy is going to have a lot of explaining to do when he tries to con his way into the pearly gates.

What’s even more tragic are the health care workers in whom he instilled doubt causing them to espouse the belief that, “The government can’t tell me what to do. It’s my freedom to choose”.

What else are they choosing not to do because it’s their “freedom” at stake? Wash their hands after going to the bathroom? Covering their mouth when they cough? Not to wear condoms while having sex with multiple partners?

I have the utmost respect for front line workers, but frankly, I don’t want someone taking care of me who isn’t following basic hygiene.

Then again, I suppose, like the bank teller … and Donald Trump … they probably have done their research.