Raising the Minimum Wage is Destroying America!
/Just how stupid do they think we are?
In case you hadn’t heard, the incredibly steep rise in the minimum wage in New York State to $15 an hour led by the “Fight for 15” worker’s action that has devastated the economy across much of the country.
In fact, it has destroyed the rental market, led to outrageous price hikes and (horror of horrors!) caused an inflation rate unheard of in the 21st century.
Oh wait. In much of upstate New York minimum wage is not $15 an hour … it’s $12.50 an hour because of forward thinking state legislators who thought a sliding scale for workers here in rural America was much better for everyone. It creeps up to a little over $13.00 in 2022. Imagine the catastrophic consequences of someone earning over $500 a week for let’s say, taking care of your aging, sick Mother?
In fact, though, it’s a little hard to believe that paying a fast-food worker $12 or even $15 bucks an hour could cause such havoc. So, I am postulating that maybe, just maybe, there might be different causes for the inflation rate skyrocketing over 6% in just one month.
Try these on for size:
The Fed is printing money like it was confetti and has flooded the country with over $3,000,000,000,000 (that’s 3 TRILLION) much of which went to the country’s “ailing” corporations. Hey, they’re people, too.
During the pandemic billionaires are making more money than ever before. Their net worth is up more than 70%.
Executive pay for CEO’s is up over 1,300% in the last 40 years. Minimum wage? Not so much.
Maybe CEO’s are worth it. Corporate profits are up over $2.8 trillion. And, we all know that corporate profits “trickle down” to us little folks.
In 1959 the average household income was $5,600. 30 years later it was a little over $30,000 a year.
That means that the couple who bought a house in 1959 for $16,500 had a lot more dollars to pay it off than they did 30 years before.
The American dream. Owning a home. Building some equity. Getting ahead.
Near as I can tell, home ownership “inflation” built the middle-class way more than trickle-down economics ever did. But the banks and their shareholders didn’t like it.
Nevertheless, we keep swallowing the line that it is these low wage workers that are ruining the economy for “the rest of us”.
So, I ask again, how stupid do they think we are? Pretty stupid I would say.