Where Did Ashraf Ghani & Hamid Karzai Go and How Much Did They Steal?

Maybe if they gave back some of the money their families and cronies took, Afghanistan could feed its hungry

by kenneth l. warner

There’s a million children in Afghanistan who are in danger of starving to death, and around the world, countries are “pledging” a billion dollars for relief.

Ashraf Ghani & Vladimer Putin discuss the salad someone has placed on the table.

Ashraf Ghani & Vladimer Putin discuss the salad someone has placed on the table.

But at the risk of stating the obvious, why don’t we just find former Presidents Karzai and Ghani, the cowards who fled instead of protecting their country against the Taliban … arrest them and the rest of their criminal family, and take back the millions, probably billions they stole.

The New York Times recently ran a story outlining the criminal enterprise that was the government we supported. And the Wall Street Journal wrote that as much as $3 billion in cold hard cash has been flown out of Afghanistan in the last couple years.

One Karzai brother “moved” $55 million dollars out of the country to “protect” it all by himself. And there are countless other examples of billions gone missing from the aid American taxpayers paid to prop up a bunch of crooks.

Let’s take a breath and look at some realities of where the blame lies.

It’s very popular to direct the responsibility for this fiasco to the guy in the White House. But, what about Donald Trump who made a deal with the Taliban to get out and then released hundreds … maybe thousands of Taliban fighters without a single plan to move out Americans and Afghan supporters?

Or the several presidents who came before Biden and escalated the war and kept it going.

Or maybe the generals who have a history of giving bad advice from Vietnam to the WMD in Iraq and then in Afghanistan and who said, “Just a few more American lives” would win the war.

Or even, like I said, the former presidents of Afghanistan who are now living in luxury on the American taxpayer’s dime.

Insanity is often described as repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. America is currently suffering from an insanity not known in world history.

We shouldn’t be condemning the one guy who showed some sense and got us out of this mess. President Biden seems to be the only sane person in the room and the only one with courage to do what was right.

And, let’s quit letting the world’s bad guys laugh all the way to the bank.