So Far, The Texas Ban on Abortion Cost Taxpayers $168 Million Bucks

Let’s send the bill to Donald Trump and give Texas back to Mexico


It’s been a little over a year and a half since the Supreme Court ruled in Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health and Texas decided to ban all abortions.

Since then, there have been an estimated 65,000 births due to rape in the 14 states that have decided to revert back to the middle ages regarding women’s control of their own bodies, and Texas accounts for over 26,000 of them.

According to the Brookings Institute, that’s a cost of approximately $4,771 to taxpayers per unwanted pregnancy or about $124,000,000. Put that out over the next decade and it’s billions. I couldn’t figure it out because the calculator on my phone won’t count that high.

And, I can’t even fathom what the cost is to take care of these kids over a lifetime. But if you try to understand what the dollars and sense are to all of this lunacy, it’s staggering.

So who should pay for all of this lunacy? You? Me? Who?

I’ve got a few suggestions on what to do about all of this.

First, we could charge the 6 justices of the Supreme Court who voted to make this ruling in the first place. Personally, I think they can afford to shoulder the burden for their mistake. For example, the money Justice Clarence Thomas takes in bribes each year should probably cover it.

Or, we could just charge Donald Trump. After all, he’s paid about $50,000,000 in the last year on legal fees for his defense, and not one cent of it came out of his pocket. It came from political donations he received, so let’s just send the bill to him. He put 3 of those justices on the court, so he’s the one actually responsible for it in the first place.

And finally, let’s face facts once and for all and realize that Texas is an embarrassment to the rest of the country.

I’ve got a very real solution for eliminating this lunacy, and the cost to the rest of the United States for having Texas a part of the Union.

I said this 3 years ago, and I’ll say it again.

Let’s give Texas back to Mexico.

Texas became independent from Mexico in 1836. It was annexed by the United States and became a state in 1845. It seceded from the U.S. in 1861, returned to the fold in 1865, and has been nothing but trouble ever since.

I’m sick and tired of waking up every morning to hear NPR talk about yet another maniacal abomination against humanity by white men in Texas.

I’m sick of their assault on women and the annihilation of abortion rights. The very thought that this bunch of cold-hearted rednecks can pass a law that overturns Roe v. Wade and sets this nation’s standard of treatment of women back to the stone age, turns my stomach.

I’m sick of their antiquated stance on gun control while our children continue to be assassinated.

I’m sick of their assault on basic voting rights and their consequent destruction of democracy.

I’m sick of their inhuman border wall and the cost of patrolling it with guns, planes, and weaponry to keep out people trying to escape from the most horrible conditions imaginable.

In their rush to regain power over their women, these guys apparently forgot that the other half of pregnancy is a male who is equally responsible for the outcome. Just imagine how much chance the new law would have had if they added a clause that any guy guilty of impregnating a woman who chooses an abortion should immediately go to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Just rot in jail.

The reality is that a female Texan has about as many rights as an Afghan girl in Kabul.

These Texas white guys make the Taliban’s policy toward women seem like they’re grasping them with the open arms of an angel.

With the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, we got a lot of Afghan women out of harm’s way, maybe now we should think about saving the women of Texas.

Our heroic military evacuated 150,000 people from Afghanistan in just 4 weeks after the end of the war under incredibly difficult circumstances. How about we just set up an airlift out of Dallas-Fort Worth Airport and get the women out of there before it’s too late?

There are approximately 13.5 million females in Texas. With enough C70 Aircraft to fly round the clock for the next 120 days, we could get them all to safety by summer.

With that hurdle overcome, we could then just de-annex the state and return it to Mexico where we took if from in the first place, admit our imperialistic mistake, apologize for 150 years of ruling their country, and be done with it.

Hell, they want to secede anyway and this would make everyone happy.

Problem solved. With the women all safely evacuated, the men there can just go fuck themselves, which is exactly what they deserve.