Spend $37.50 on These 3 Women Before You Vote This Year

It might save our democracy.


Thomas Jefferson, one of America’s famous founding fathers, once famously said, “An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.”

But these days, elections are hard. Books are banned. Curriculums are befuddled, and college is out of reach for a huge percentage of the population.

And, keeping informed has become a full-time job. There are about a million news sites to choose from, thousands of podcasts to select from, and let’s not forget a bazillion people vying for our attention on Facebook (aka Meta), Instagram, and of course ‘X’.

Making an educated decision on anything ain’t easy.

The promise of the internet was access for all. Now we’re drowning in information and misinformation. It's kind of like when computers first landed in my office. They were supposed to lead to a “paperless workspace”. Now I have so much paper I’m suffocating from it.

We’ve come a long way from the alledged wisdom of the founding fathers. Fortunately, three women; Republican former House member Liz Cheney, Professor and writer Heather Cox Richardson, and commentator Rachel Maddow … have come to our rescue. One from the right and two from the left. But remarkably, they are all giving us the same warning.

They’ve authored three books that should be required reading before anyone casts a ballot in November.

Liz Cheney — Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning

Heather Cox Richardson — How the South Won the Civil War: Oligarchy, Democracy, and the Continuing Fight for the Soul of America.

Rachel Maddow — Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism

Cheney gives the facts about the January 6th coup attempt. Cox Richardson gives a definitive history of the political right’s effort to return to the days when men were men and women were chattel. And Maddow gives a frightening history of America’s march toward fascism leading up to the moment when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and Germany declared war on America.

I included Wikipedia links so you can see for yourself what each of these books is about. And, you can get all three for the amazingly good price of $37.50 for your Kindle.

Once you’ve read them (assuming you don't die of fright) you’ll not only KNOW who you need to vote for, but you’ll be the smartest one sitting at the kitchen table when discussing our political future and how to save America from ourselves.

A lot of men have written our history, but these women capture it in a way I’ve never seen before.

Mr. Jefferson may have been a founding father, but as the old saying goes, never send a boy to do a man’s job (Sorry Mr. Jefferson), send a woman.