Volume 1 • Number 2


Hello! And welcome to the second issue of my FREE newsletter, FIRST TUESDAY: How to Win Political Campaigns That Can’t Be Won. If you’ve ever wondered why Election Day is in the cold, dark days of November, it’s a tradition that goes back to 1845 when Congress passed a law setting Election Day as the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Why November? Because most men — the only ones who could vote then — were farmers who had to travel to their polling place and any earlier would interfere with the harvest. Hence, the name of my work seems appropriate if you’re running for office.


If you, or someone you know, is interested in running for political office in the coming years, please take a moment to read this.

My reason is simple. Among the thoughts running through my head are reflections on why it is that Republicans are beating the snot of Democrats in New York despite the fact that voters are acting against their own self-interest.

The answer is even simpler: we keep doing the same thing over and over. And, as a reminder, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.


You cannot choose your battlefield,
The Gods do that for you;
But you can plant a standard
Where a standard never flew.
― Nathalia Crane

An unintended consequence of Bernie Sanders's run for President in 2016 was the throngs of motivated political newcomers who listened when he said:

“Run for office. You too can be the next congressman from your district.”

… or senator, or assemblyman, or county legislator, or town board member.

Thousands across the country answered the call, and many went down to defeat because they didn’t have the slightest idea what they were doing or how to do it.

Here’s the story of one person who bucked the trend.

A year later, in the backroom of a bowling alley on the West side of Syracuse, in the waning days of the Autumn of 2017, Political Directors of the Working Families Party hosted a two-day training focused on introducing campaign novices to the ins and outs of running for office. Among those in attendance that day was a Central New Yorker, Rachel May who heard the call. A longtime activist for issues ranging from climate change to voting reform, minimum wage changes to women’s reproductive rights. She was captivated by the step-by-step lessons of the day and wondered out loud about running in her neighborhood.

As it happened, she was a constituent of then New York State Senator, David Valesky, the vice-chair and only upstate member of the Independent Democratic Caucus (IDC). These IDC members were notorious statewide for propping up the Republican majority by voting with them and helping block every piece of progressive legislation introduced in the legislature.

 Mr. Valesky had a war chest overflowing with cash and the advantage of a 14-year incumbency. All of these issues as well as countless others were near and dear to the heart of Rachel May, who went on to beat Valesky in the Democratic Primary in September of 2018 and win the general election in November.

No one thought Rachel May had a chance of winning. Not even Rachel.

She now sits as Senator in the 42nd Senate District beginning her 3rd term.

How did she win?

By staying true to her values. Working Hard. Surrounding herself with good people. Believing in herself. Doing what’s right.

And did I mention working hard?

You can do this too.


I ran for office decades ago and when I first became a candidate, I felt a little like I had gone to Church but forgot to put my pants on. Everyone seemed to be looking at me. Questioning. Wondering. Asking themselves, “What makes him think he can be a leader?”

But, there’s something about running for office that wakens the best in a person. A need to serve the community and give something back.

I’m assuming that if you’re reading this, you’re thinking about running for office. Maybe it’s for Senate in 2024 like Rachel did. Maybe it’s for your town board or the mayor of your village. Perhaps it’s for the school board or county legislator. Whatever the case, you can start by making the right decisions and laying the groundwork for success.

Make the


First things first. If you aren’t in it to win it, get out and let someone else lead the charge. But if you’re ready to take on the battle for your corner of America, then do it. Start today. Make things happen. Make the commitment to the commitment of running. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else is going to either.

Running for office is a life-changing experience. And, win or lose, you have to realize that your life will never be the same.

Start by asking yourself:

  • Can I make the time Commitment?

  • Can I deal with rejection?

  • How much money can I realistically afford to put into this?

  • Would I vote for me?

 If you’ve honed your interest in politics by watching the West Wing, take a deep breath and realize – this isn’t it. The team you build will probably have people helping you who are as inexperienced as you are. It’s lonely. It’s humbling. And, It’s hard.

But if you don’t do it, who will?

Start by stopping thinking that because you’ve never been involved in politics you can’t win. Rachel May couldn’t win either and everyone knew it. But she did. You can do it, believe me. And if you don’t believe me … believe Bernie Sanders who knows you can.

Get Buy-In from

Your Family

If you’re married, or in a domestic partnership, or have a significant other, boyfriend, or girlfriend you want to have a future with, the very first person you need to get the support of is your family.

Better to get complete (and honest) buy-in from your family in January than a divorce in September.

It’s a fact – running for office is a year-long commitment. It means disruption of your household. It means late nights of knocking on doors. It means being on the telephone raising money when you would rather be curled up on the couch with your hubby and a bowl of popcorn, binge-watching your favorite crime drama.

It’s going to strain the family finances. And not just to buy lawn signs or the next FB ad. You’ll be spending money on lunches, and cookies for meetings, and some beer for your kitchen cabinet, hotdogs.

But no matter how you cut it, it’s going to be an extra line in the family budget and you must get complete buy-in.

And don’t forget the kids either. You might be missing a soccer match or two. You may have to miss that concert. And, you’ll definitely be eating more pizza than ever thought possible.

Running for office means you might not make the weekly Thursday night family dinner till late if at all. Or that you’re going to be walking the neighborhoods till 9:00 every night, or that your weekends will cease to exist and that family vacation? Make it next year.

Get Over the Fear of Asking People to Give You Money

You don’t have to. This is one of the biggest myths about running for office. You aren’t asking them to give money to you, you’re asking them to give money to the campaign — to the cause. It’s an investment in their future. Fact is, in this political climate, people are standing in line to give good progressives the cash they need to run their campaigns. And, rule one in fundraising is to remember … you aren’t asking for money for yourself … you’re giving people the opportunity to fight back with their pocketbook and give money to the cause … not you.


There’s a lot of time between now and election day. And a lot of things for you to do. Make a plan. Follow it. Stay healthy. Eat right. Exercise. Pace yourself.

As long as you’re doing it, you might as well win.


  1. Write Down 3 Reasons you would vote for yourself if you were running

  2. Write down 3 experiences you have that you believe qualify you for office.

  3. Take a moment to assess your pros and cons. Do it in writing. Like on a yellow pad with a line down the middle. Pros on the left. Cons on the right.

“Most people miss opportunity because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” –Thomas Edison



 You can contact me in any of the following ways:


P.O. Box 491, Fair Haven, NY 13156

Text me at 585.355.8538


“Running for Office” Photo by on Unsplash

“Make The Commitment” Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

“Buy In From Family” Photo by Patricia Prudente on Unsplash

“Asking for Money” Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

You Can Change America by Running For Office

If you, or someone you know, is interested in running for political office in the coming years, please take a moment to read this.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Cate and I came to Europe to make the pilgrim’s journey to Santiago de Compostela and share a few weeks of life together while I still have the strength, health and will to do it.

Walking the seemingly endless miles toward Santiago gave me the opportunity to reflect on my life and what I’m planning on doing with the rest it.

Let me tell you, walking the Camino messes with your brain.

And so did the news that two central New York House elections have been lost in the mid-terms. Once again, we nominated candidates who were rich, tall, white men with no political experience who decided to play the sport of kings.

 And we lost.

 In the New York Times on a few days after the election, a leading national Democratic strategist said it best when he was quoted as saying, “It was a terrible night in New York. It’s infuriating that a night as good as it was for Democrats overall is undone by arrogance and incompetence”.

 He’s right. So, I’ve made an important, life changing decision that people have suggested to me for a long time and that I hope will be of some worth to people.

 I’m going to use my remaining spare time to start writing down what I’ve learned about political campaigns in the 50 years I’ve been doing this and share them in a newsletter which I will send out free to anyone who is interested in running for office. I hope to cover everything from making the decision to run, to raising money, writing a campaign plan to digital campaigning and GOTV.

 My reason is simple. Among the thoughts running through my head are reflections on why it is that Republicans are beating the snot of Democrats in New York despite the fact that voters are acting against their own self-interest.

 The answer is simple: we keep doing the same thing over and over. And, as a reminder the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

 People don’t know how to run campaigns. People don’t know how to run for office. Young people are ignored. Women are shunned. It’s time to make a difference.

 We need to build a bench. Candidates who run in local elections, gain both political and governmental experience, and set the stage to run for higher office. And to do this, we need YOU to run for office. I would do it myself, but I’m too damn old, but you’re not.

 If you are interested in running for office or know someone who is and who would like to learn some of the basics of winning, please take a moment and sign up. It’s free.

 Maybe together we change America.