Was Trump Asleep At The Wheel?

The “husher”, Donald Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen, paid the “hushee”, adult film star, Stormy Daniels to keep her mouth shut about her affair with the former President. Here they are in April of 2018 after appearing in federal court in Lower Manhattan. (Shutterstock photo from a katz.)

Maybe Trump’s criminal trial is a wake-up call for America

Earlier this week, jury selection began in a Manhattan Court for a historical moment in America’s history.

A criminal trial for a former President of the United States.

Ninety-six average citizens were called for jury duty, and the number quickly faded to 46 after some 50 potential jurors raised their hands to say they couldn't remain impartial in response to the judge’s query.

Trump’s response? With all of the world watching and his fate driving relentlessly toward a brick wall, Donald Trump was asleep at the wheel and took a snooze. The New York Times described it this way”

Even as a judge was hearing arguments on last-minute issues in a criminal case that centers on salacious allegations and threatens to upend his bid for the presidency, Mr. Trump appeared to nod off a few times, his mouth going slack and his head drooping onto his chest.

The former president’s lead lawyer, Todd Blanche, passed him notes for several minutes before Mr. Trump appeared to jolt awake and notice them.

Taking a little catnap wouldn't ordinarily be unusual for someone who will be 78 in June. Except of course if you happen to be a Presidential candidate who for months and months has been berating your opponent for being too old to be President.

It’s an unprecedented moment. So much so that in anticipation the morning of the trial’s opening, The New York Times had no less than 10 homepage stories about the former President on all manner of sordid things. It read more like an edition of The National Enquirer than a sophisticated New York Times edition. But then again, it’s hard not to act like a tabloid when the charges against Trump stem from alleged hush money he passed on to a porn star during the 2020 election in an effort to get her to keep her mouth shut about his affair with her. The trial itself is anticipated to be filled with witnesses giving detailed accounts of his sexual escapades.

During jury selection, they even played a recording of Trump’s bragging about his being able to grab women’s genitals at will because he’s so rich.

You just can’t make this stuff up!

This is only the beginning of the saga. In two federal courts and two state courts, former President Trump faces a total of 88 criminal charges.

That’s a ton of criminal activity. What I can’t figure out is, when does he even have time to have extra-marital affairs?

No wonder he’s nodding off. I once lost sleep for three days over a speeding ticket I had to appear for. It leaves me hard to believe that Mr. Trump can focus on anything other than his monstrous legal charges looming before him.

Meanwhile, back at the White House, President Joe Biden had a few challenges of his own including:

An immovable House of Representatives holding up aid to our ally Ukraine while their cities are leveled, and young men and women die every day because they lack enough ammunition to fight back against Putin’s army.

A humanitarian crisis in Gaza where a million and a half people are about to starve to death.

A potential conflict between Israel and Iran that by some accounts, could lead to World War III.

A broken health care system.

Student debt that cripples our young people.

And, last but not least, laws banning abortion being passed in half the country, all of which were caused by a bunch of elitest dirtbags whom Trump appointed to the Supreme Court and who live privileged lifestyles completely out of touch with everyday, average Americans.

I’m not sure this is the worst of times for our country, but it seems like it to me. There are so many problems that it seems hard to figure out which one is going to cause our downfall.

One thing is for sure. While the economy is apparently doing just fine, there still seems to be a major spending crisis facing us, but not the usual kind related to the national debt.

It’s the contrast between how President Biden is spending his days, and how former President Donald Trump is spending his. One is focused on the welfare of America. The other is on the welfare of his legal problems.

Compare the two candidates and decide which one is ready, willing, and able to handle our future.

It should be a wake-up call for America.